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Stop Tweeting. Start Engaging.

21 Feb

Twitter menuI don’t remember when I joined Twitter.  I don’t remember why, either.  I know my first account was @Nixie, which now enjoys a 1% Kred badge.  That lets me know that I was likely testing the network for a brand I was working with at the time.  If you Google my name (or my handle) I’m sure you will find abandoned profiles on MySpace, Bebo, and a host of other social networks.  You see, I was never comfortable recommending a brand join a social network until I knew how it worked and how we could succeed.  I know a lot of people who like the “jump on the bandwagon” approach to new technology, but since it was usually up to me to execute these ideas I wanted to know everything I could before offering it as part of my content strategy.

I fell in love with Twitter almost immediately.  It propelled me down the rabbit hole to learn about every form of social media that was available.  After a month I no longer cared if these networks could bring me unique visitors.  All I wanted was to be a part of them. Continue reading

I am 80% addicted to Twitter

12 Aug

How addicted to Twitter are you?

Created by Oatmeal

The above graphic came from a quiz available at the amazingly funny website, The Oatmeal.  After taking the quiz I had the option to post my to Twitter, Facebook, e-mail or embed in my blog.  All The Oatmeal had to do was put it up and his fans have done all the work in generating traffic and buzz about the quiz. Continue reading

The Right Way To Handle Customer Service On Twitter

19 May

I hate my laptop.  It’s actually probably a fine laptop except for the fact that it runs Windows Vista, possibly the worst OS ever created.  After waking up to discover that 8 hours was not enough time to download Windows latest round of important updates I was ready to throw it across the room. I know that I should just buy a new one, but since I received this as a birthday gift guilt won over my rage. Instead of committing computercide I took to Twitter to have the following conversation. Continue reading

How To Deal With Twitter Slander

16 Feb

I signed on to my Twitter account over the weekend to be confronted with this message:

unfollow twitter message

This is not the first time I’ve seen a message that called me out for unfollowing someone.  The first time it happened I was immediately ashamed and quickly refollowed the person.  The next time I tried to defend myself by pointing out that I had never engaged in a conversation with the person.  We then spoke more in 1 minute than we had the entire time I had followed his account. This time, it seems, I have been auto-dissed which must be the Twitter equivalent of breaking up with someone over a post-it note. Continue reading

17 Things To Know Before You Join Twitter

28 Sep it seem like everyone is on Twitter?  As much as the media or your company’s social media manager would like you to believe, everyone in the world hasn’t yet embraced Twitter.  That doesn’t mean you get a pass – Twitter is growing at a phenomenal rate and there’s still a chance to make a splash.

  1. Add an icon. Once you upload an icon stick with it.  Twitter users ID tweets from the icon even more than a username.
  2. Personalize your background. You can have fun with this and change as often as you like.  Not a deal breaker if you use a default background but there’s always an opportunity to advertise your brand.  Don’t think you have a brand because this is a personal account? Well, you’re wrong because you’re always advertising your personal brand. 24/7/365.
  3. Fill out your bio. Whether it says your title @ work or something like “mom who loves ice cream.” If you don’t identify yourself, tweeps won’t follow you fearing you’re a spambot or marketer.
  4. Retweet. If you want to get followed back by a power user, retweet their content 3  – 4 times a week. They’ll start seeing your name and reward you with a follow.
  5. Say “Thank You.”  If someone RTs your link or suggests your account to follow, say thank you.  You can do this once a day or once a week.  Less is more in this case, but a thank you is greatly appreciated. Continue reading
Lyz Lenz

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